Saturday 24 July 2010

The box.

The box? The cube? The idea behind the perfect maths.

4 solid walls enclosing what can only be a sliver lining of joy...


WOAH! hold a fucking cock you double bastard. a box of wine? FUCKING YES.

Lets firstly show exhibit 1. wikipedophile cannot be wrong in 2010.

SO that being said. let me get on to what we have to talk about WINE and the box. You're outside it's a lovely day and you're enjoying a glass of POMME NERUF DE SHAT and then you think well this is delicious, not bubbly, not gassy, not heart burn tastic, not weak, not to strong, not overly gay (SEE SECTION 3) ad whats more IM MUTHA FUCKA CIV-EY-LISSEED BAICTH.

Pour me some more fermented grapes in this bad boy now. as we are the knees of the bees.

OK, wine. You're out on the town and its all "HEY MAN LETS HAVE SOME BOTTLE LARGER" (dont you get sick of hearing that when you're out?) and so you say "LADS, I'VE GOT THIS" as they rock onto the dance floor holding their wife beater and Swab the Becks. Who is this piece of genius. Is that? I that a huge bottle? no, no it cant be? is it. FUCK SHAMPOO... it's a bottle of the REREY DE SHITPISS 2007!!! i aint goin to the bar in ages cunty. while i pull more than muscles you'll be hitting the bar at least every 2 minutes for a refill. TOTAL REBALLS.

is this working for you yet?. Wine - stronger than beer = less fucking about and less gas > generic pub man.

redwine - blood of Christ and he's got all sorts named after him. leg end.
white wine - cheaper than many bottles of beer and not needing a mixer. women... may have this right.

so let's get to section 3. as spoken about before. this is why wine is not gay.

they conquered most shit. drank wine. looked nails. COINCIDENCE?


i've neglected my duties. I should have updated more. This is not cool. it is rubbish. more to come.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Should I have another beer?

F&Q for crucial times

"Should I have another beer?"

Yes - get two.

"Should I have another drink?"

Yes - asking is a type of torture and human rights activists wouldn't like that.

"Should I have a drink?"

Yes - drinking leads to death or worse, a bad time.

"I've only got beer/wine/whiskey, should I?"

Yes - It's not for decoration and you can't drink it when you're dead.

"I can only have one, but I know what will happen"

This isn't a fucking commentary get on with it fanny.

"Ahh these beers aren't chilled, should I wait?"

No - independence day showed the consequences with "waiting", grab it now.

"I've had enough, shouldIi really have another?"

Yes - questions need answered they're not there to be Chinese proverbs. If you can ask questions you can ask for another round.

"I've got work tomorrow, I can't have another?"

No - Responsible, start drinking earlier and remember if you didn't have a job you'd be a bum. Bums can't handle booze.

"what's the perfect mix for a cocktail?"

Shut up - the glass is meant to be full.

"I'm trying to lose weight what should i drink?"

BMW - Bitches,Meat and Whiskey - WATER WINE WHISKY.

Sunday 13 June 2010


Broadoak Perry at 7.5% is from Clutton, England. It is a very pale sweet perry, looking like a white wine, and the aroma was slightly vinous as well.


FUCK. it's strong and it doesn't taste strong. A new answer to date rape drugs. I believe so.


past manchester. Not fucked then. south.

Very pale

It looks like piss.


Like ASDA no added sugar juice. ok but kinda shit.

Looking like white wine

if your white wine has been swilled around in your mouth and then passed through the body, twice.

aroma was slightly vinous

Vinous? looked in a dictionary.

1. Of, relating to, or made with wine.
2. Affected or caused by the consumption of wine.
3. Having the color of wine.

It smells like all strong ciders, TCP and plasters mixed with pepto bismol and yep you guessed it. Piss.


Cider isn't just for tramps and alco's. It's also for wanna be piss artistes. A unique mix of hardly any flavour, no bubbles and man rating links this perry highly. Get the job done quickly and do it right. 7.5% is the new "out on piss wid lads". dump the vagina and grow a set with BROADOAK.

BROADOAK is a bit like HUGE COCK. which is what you'll have if you drink WIDTHWOOD PHARRUY.

DP rating out of 5: We've all had a drink but you're still a cunt/5

Friday 11 June 2010

Petits Filous

Why. Explain yourself goddamnit. What do you want from me.

They are too small. Even for kids. It's a yoghurt for wankers and french people.

A spoon does not fit in it. I have breathed more yoghurt than what is in this pot.

You want calcium, drink milk. You want a yoghurt, eat a muller.
Tell your child to grow up as this overpriced french cheese is cack.

This is your kids as I send them packing.

Piss off kids, bye. Take the yoghurt with you.


This site is now the nuts.
I used the templates as they do the job.
There is links.
The banners are fhunnay.

Thursday 10 June 2010


Words of advice.

Live by it now.