Wednesday 23 June 2010

Should I have another beer?

F&Q for crucial times

"Should I have another beer?"

Yes - get two.

"Should I have another drink?"

Yes - asking is a type of torture and human rights activists wouldn't like that.

"Should I have a drink?"

Yes - drinking leads to death or worse, a bad time.

"I've only got beer/wine/whiskey, should I?"

Yes - It's not for decoration and you can't drink it when you're dead.

"I can only have one, but I know what will happen"

This isn't a fucking commentary get on with it fanny.

"Ahh these beers aren't chilled, should I wait?"

No - independence day showed the consequences with "waiting", grab it now.

"I've had enough, shouldIi really have another?"

Yes - questions need answered they're not there to be Chinese proverbs. If you can ask questions you can ask for another round.

"I've got work tomorrow, I can't have another?"

No - Responsible, start drinking earlier and remember if you didn't have a job you'd be a bum. Bums can't handle booze.

"what's the perfect mix for a cocktail?"

Shut up - the glass is meant to be full.

"I'm trying to lose weight what should i drink?"

BMW - Bitches,Meat and Whiskey - WATER WINE WHISKY.

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