Thursday 10 June 2010

Wii Ware - Pub Darts

Now don't get my wrong I like the Wii. I like the old skool games that you can play and also the golfing games are fair fun. But the level of response that were asking from the remote is a bit too much.

After getting my self some Wii points I decided to download pub darts as;

A. I don't have room for a dart board.
B. So I can rat on it for being pants.
So here it is.

Starting up the game and you're introduced to a bar room scenario. Not bad start. I made myself a good looking chap and knuckled down to some serious playing.

Hold the remote like a dart, Hold A and aim and release A and the dart flew clean into the treble 20. good luck? So I threw another and again treble 20. Strangely this carried on for the entire game untill I threw a perfect game. A NINE DART GAME!!

Then from the side of the board a Wii Phil Taylor appeared and started waving at me. There was then a knock at the door and SKY tv walked through and began filming me. I turned back round and Phil Taylor was climbing out of the screen. Confetti then rained from the sky and champagne was flowing as I was carried about in a golden throne. I signed up for the professional leagues and the rest is history.

What actually happened was a piss poor attempted at simulating darts. In fact it didn't even simulate a computer game. You'd get as much entertainment from standing in you toilet and trying to piss in the porcelain from across the room, with the door shut, with a straight jacket on, pissed, and if you super glued your knob to your leg and then it turns out your not even in your house but in a school and you're being arrested for indecent exposure, then you start crying and you just wish you'd gone to the pub and played darts.

This game costs 500 points and there are 500 points not to play this game but if you enjoy frustration then please buy it.

DP rating out of 5: Completely shit/5

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