Thursday 10 June 2010

CLOVERFIELD - I can't believe it's not shiter

so here is a dpd on cloverfield.

Let's start from the beginning - the tag line on the dvd says "something has found us" and the statue of liberty is missing it's head. ohhh. fucking hell watch out I'm already shaking like an uncontrollable spazz.

If you can't wait to find out what's found us then turn the DVD over and all is revealed.

It's a large daddy long legs.
OH NO! its lanky! and it apparently gives birth to little things - but that's the daddy long legs covered. The main questions are as follows.

1. How did it get here?

How the piss did we miss it getting here i believed we had measures in place for something this big... it's a bug did it fly here? did it live here. actually who gives a shit

2. What is it doing here?
Like many good films. They often fall down at this point. what the fuck is it doing here and why does it eat people it's not 1950 were not having the same story of ALIENS EAT US!? LOLZ. if it can get here it can at least have a decent excuse for getting here apart from"wanting to eat and destroy stuff"

3. Why do bombs never work?
bombs blow up rocks but this lanky larry apparently doesn't mind a few bombs. bull shit.

4. The blair witch was shit so why copy it badly?

That's not really question but i believe that the aim behind having the POINT OF VIEW shots is so that we have a bond with the dickheads running round and also an element of realism. This does neither as the "monster" is shown to us pretty early on and the need for realism is quashed as a wax crayon drawn daddy long legs is badly slapped on screen. oh noes. I just wished the guy on camera died sooner or there were at least some boobs on screen at some point.

5. Bad story lines needed apply within.

"I've got to go back" - the main guy shouts. here's why he's wrong to go after his lady.

she's having it of with the other guy.
going back always results in death.she should be dead as she had a metal pole through her shoulder which she manages to recover from at an astounding rate.
She's whiny.
People wouldn't do that in real life.

I can sum cloverfield up in one equation;


done. don't watch it's pump.

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